About Me

I’ve played piano as long as I can remember. Sharing lesson time with my older sister, my mom played with our little brother and teacher’s twin babies as we pounded out the notes, starting with middle C.

At 8, I begged for violin lessons. “Who do we know that can even teach violin?” my mom asked. I ended up graduating first chair in my high school orchestra.

Fast forward to holding my second child, seeing a post on my neighborhood Facebook group. A mom looking for local piano lessons, with no recommendations. “Who do we even know?”, asked all over again. So I said I could - as long as they didn’t mind my newborn, as long as they could come to me, I was certainly capable of teaching an 8 year old piano. I kept saying yes. Now, I teach 5 days a week. I love teaching, I love my students, and I love the little world I’ve created that helps children love music, too. I aim to be casual but competent, address students’ needs individually, and create a fun atmosphere while I teach. 

Every time I work with a student, I feel that same joy and excitement that I did as the middle-sister-who-got-to-tag-along to her older sister’s lessons.